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Halfling Characters

Through necessity the smaller folk of Alberon, live in small isolated communities, far from the bustle and potential menace of human civilisation.  One such people are the halflings, normally a shy secretive folk, who move unseen and unheard around the countryside. These very same skills have earned the urban halflings of Midlam the unsavoury title of 'Robbits' and they are often blamed (fairly or unfairly) for petty acts of thievery and mislaid items.

Halfling Townsfolk/Villagers

Through necessity the smaller folk of Alberon, live in small isolated communities.  One such people are the halflings, normally a shy secretive folk, who move unseen and unheard. The same skills have earned the urban halflings of Midlam, the unsavoury title of 'Robbits', and they are often blamed for any petty acts of thievery.

Undead Halflings

Halflings have an innate resistance to corruption and dark magic, however, nothing can hold out indefinitely against terrible and powerful magics.  Even still, halflings can never have all the good in them eradicated, and even the worst of them has some innate charm and innocence, which may be of some comfort if encountered.

Bad Halflings

The very traits that halflings depend on for survival are also heavily in demand by criminal gangs, tomb robbers and 'adventurers'.  These halflings, often end up in a life of petty criminality in towns, where they have developed the unsavoury nickname of 'Robbits'.  Because if it isn't nailed down, then they will surely rob it.

Halfling Clerics & Mages

Halflings typically have an innate, everyday sort of magic, though once in a while, someone with real magical powers will come to the fore.  Just as rare are halflings joining religious orders, as most halflings are heavily in tune with their landscape, and organise their lives around the passing of events and seasons, especially parties and celebrations.   

Halfling City Guard

Midlam, the furthest north of the great trading cities, is beset by many threats, to this end, the Baron has put the call out for reinforcements to the City Guard and that call has been answered from Halftown, The new halfling recruits have been deployed to the Otherling Quarter of the city, where the halflings, despite their small stature, are respected by all.

Winter Halflings

A group of Halflings, searching for a treasure beyond reckoning, are on a journey to a distant land far to the North. As the Halflings leave on their quest, they first meet the friendly snow folk, or snow men and women to you and me.  Animated by some friendly magic, they are only too happy to point out directions.

Halfling Adventurers

Throughout the land, small shadowy figures are reported, often just glimpsed out of the corner of the eye.  They go hither, they go thither! They are abroad on unnamed errands and secret quests.  It can only be... Halfling Adventurers!