There are many cults across Alberon, fulfilling many of the desires and philosphies that the more formal religions do not cater for. Cults are constantly created, destroyed and revived. Some are well meaning but harmless, while others have more sinister intent and are proscribed in all civilised lands.
Kraken Cultists These cultists may have once been human, but no more. For beneath their tattered robes, they are slowly, but surely changing into be-tentacled horrors in the image of their master, the Kraken Lord. He is an interdimensional being, bound to the seas and the Cult of the Kraken Lord is working its way in to all the ports of Alberon. |  |  | The Chosen The Chosen are those that the Kraken Lord has deigned to bestow his gifts upon. These sorrowful people, begin to manifest tentacles, which they often cover with bandages and clopthing. But soon their minds begin to change also, until they eventually become fully transformed and don the robes of the Kraken Cult. |
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Moon Cultists The Cult of the Moon Goddess is prevalent across much of Alberon, although it takes on different names and guises in different lands. It is universally an exclusive female cult, which worships the thirteen major moons of Alberon. They are secretive by nature and are often associated with the healing arts. |  |  | Plague Cultists Many of the inhabitants of Alberon lead a short and desperate life. Some of those choose to accept and embrace their lot in life, such as the Plague Cultists who seek solace in worshipping strange dieties, often avatars of plagues and passing their sickness onto others. They misguidedly seek a communal suffering for all mankind. |